Great Sand Dunes National Park Book


The complex interaction of wind and water has created huge, remarkably stable dunes in the San Luis Valley of south-central Colorado. The park contains the tallest sand dunes in North America. The dunes cover an area of about 30 square miles and are estimated to contain over five billion cubic meters of sand. Sediments from the surrounding mountains filled the valley over geologic time periods. After lakes within the valley receded, exposed sand was blown by the predominant southwest winds toward the Sangre de Cristos, eventually forming the dune field over an estimated tens of thousands of years. This park also has a rich cultural heritage. Blanca Peak, just southeast of the dunes, is one of the four sacred mountains of the Navajo, who call it Sisnaajini (White Shell Mountain). Explore all of these wonders in both photos and text inI.

  • ISBN-13: 9781877856754
  • Genre: National Park, Published by WNPA
  • Format: Paperback
  • Trim size: 11" x 8 1/2"
  • Page count: 32 pages
  • Published by Western National Parks Association in 2019
  • Written by Stephen Trimble
  • Audience: Adult
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